K-Bass – Faso

K-Bass – Faso – Album Review
Cool! I’d like to welcome back world-music superstar K-Bass to our pages back here at sleepingbagstudios! We met this multi-lingual artist back in 2013 when we had a chance to interview him…and we can presume he was busy working on the material for his latest album Faso since we last spoke. Ever a spokesman for positivity and the inclusion of ALL through his music – I gotta say…I think K-Bass has outdone my expectations of what was to come my way with his music on this new album.
Don’t get me wrong…no pre-judgements here…my ears always remain musically open to all kinds of genres, new sounds and new experiences into things I wouldn’t always gravitate towards on my own; admittedly here on our pages many times, the “world-music” genre is one of those. Often incorporating sounds and rhythms I don’t normally identify with, it can be difficult for me to not only get into this genre on occasion, but also difficult to find the reasons and will to remain there.
Now…upon pushing play for this new album by K-Bass, I’m instantly reminded about his ability to create world-music that I CAN get into. Right away launching into “Liberez L’Afrique” – this album becomes spirited with good time vibes in the music. Later on throughout the album, as I came to “I Don’t Want To See You Sad,” I thought to myself, well surely this will be the “somber” moment of the album. Quite the opposite really, it became one of my favorites on the album quickly. It made me smile from ear to ear, and as a person from outside of the world-music genre, this was ultimately what lead my listening into genuine interest.
Cause you know something? Even against the saddest of sentiments – K-Bass delivers the music and words with an upbeat and good time vibe. I had to smile when I was listening to this track – it’s a beautiful love song literally designed to turn frowns upside down. How can you not love that?
Honestly…if I’m ever going to receive bad news of any kind in my life, I’d like to personally ask that it now comes from K-Bass…he just has a way & approach in his delivery that really makes everything feel like it’s going to be alright!
And you see…perspective can change in an instant, which is why I encourage people to listen to as many things that they wouldn’t normally go for…because once you find a true way in, everything changes. So in finding my way through “I Don’t Want To See You Sad,” I know the following tracks and re-listen of the first three will be like another experience altogether. K-Bass has effectively pulled me into his album and into his music, and the moment that “Court International” begins, I can’t help but realize he has that magic ingredient that matters most…
I’m in now. Now I want to stay here.
“Court International” is a real display of an artist at the height of the fun & the height of the creativity in recording. And I can understand WHY. A wicked horn-section and genuine party-beat, this track has the energy to really bring that extra spark out of K-Bass and let him do what he does best on the mic, delivering passionate lines and remaining the ultimate host, making you feel welcome at all times.
And that’s a feeling you can find on “La Galere,” a smartly electro-fused beat, with words not all in English, but tones and delivery that become entirely relatable to all. Makes you pause and think for a moment…I mean….the whole “world-music” genre thing itself…
The moniker itself suggests the possibility that everyone around the globe would be able to find something to like and to appreciate about it. That there’s truly a way “in,” for anyone. I think that’s true when hearing an album like Faso and what K-Bass has put together here. There’s French, English and other languages through the vocals….there’s music that has a classic reggae feel to it, and there are also updated versions on that sound you can find in “J’Ai Besoin De Ton Amour,” “They Pretend” and many others.
It’s well-produced and mixed, there’s a lot of work that has been put in here into making Faso sound as clear and punchy through the soundboards, no complaints there. K-Bass understands how to write catchy verses around the music and genuinely sounds enthusiastic about the music he’s making, with the end result being an album that can help turn the worst of days into audio-sunshine.
You’ll notice that the album cover lists it as K-Bass and Farafina Musiki, which is important to note; he has a tremendous supporting cast on this album. Another facet of the feeling of being included on Faso is the incorporation of some fantastic backing vocalists and key players; “Nothing Left” is an excellent example of that with some excellent female backers helping out and a wicked guitar solo that can’t be missed. And yet…somehow AGAIN…with this track actually being about things like our irreplaceable natural resources being taken away from the world…I’m STILL bobbing my head and grooving along here with K-Bass like the subject was cotton-candy and peace for all!
In many cases…music is supposed to take us away…to invoke and emotion and make you feeling SOMETHING. Faso, as an album completely does that; it’s a fantastic look at the world through the eyes of K-Bass. That’s a priceless gift – his views are certainly hopeful and his approach to unity through music is inspiring. With all the good messages, positivity, love and one-for-all feelings throughout this album, I can only assume that it won’t only be me picking up on the great vibes from K-Bass, but that you will be too.
Official homepage at: www.kbassmusic.com
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