Davin Michael Stedman & Anthony Red Rose – “Free Your Mind” Feat. Sly And Robbie & Lenky Marsden

Davin Michael Stedman & Anthony Red Rose – “Free Your Mind” Feat. Sly And Robbie & Lenky Marsden – Single Review
There are so many hands involved in this latest single that this is the first time I can remember a title of a song & credits for its featured players going into the second line of text! Gotta hope for decent results when there’s that many artists involved in a collaboration, feel me? Believe me when I say it’s tough enough to get people to come out of their homes & daily routines for any reason at all…so just by the amount of artists you can see listed on “Free Your Mind” it’s pretty safe to assume they got together for a justifiably good reason to create something worthwhile, wouldn’t you say? No one likes to waste their time right? Don’t even worry about it…they didn’t waste theirs – and they certainly won’t waste yours.
Especially if you’re looking for a new empowering anthem to get the positive energy flowing in your day, because that’s exactly the purpose that a song like “Free Your Mind” exists to serve. In an interesting blend of what sounds like traditional world-music adding in the spirited attitude in the songwriting & approach into a more modern day R&B & subtle-electro sound, this collaboration sounds vividly expressive and perfectly focused on the goal of creating a song to help soothe the soul & “Free Your Mind.” The vocals sound spectacular all the way through – it’s got an extremely strong opening verse that immediately pulls you in with vibrant tone and fantastic energy as the music fills the atmosphere.
If anything, it was that initial confidence & brilliant smoothness in the sound of the vocals from Anthony Red Rose at the beginning of the song that brought me quickly into “Free Your Mind” – and as they changed vocalists & traded the mic between them, I felt like each verse really brought something fantastic to the flow & sound of this tune. The second verse features a much brighter sound in the melody of the vocals, which adds excellent contrast between the two main singers and provides a further definition in the structure that does a great job of keeping our attention steadily attached. The chorus of “Free Your Mind” of course carries the song’s ultimate message through the repetition of the title like a mantra…I really liked the added vocal layers in this part of the recording and the overall production on the song’s overall sound came out great. “Free Your Mind” sparkles & shines beautifully in the stunning & smooth assembly of chilled-out Jamrock vibes. The real magic of “Free Your Mind” absolutely comes from the committed focus of the collaboration as a whole, from Stedman & Rose to Sly & Robbie & Lenky – you won’t hear anything that sounds out of place in their performance whatsoever, and the smooth production on this cut adds the right amount of gloss into the recording. The highlight moment for me when it came to “Free Your Mind” was actually the breakdown/bridge around the 1:30 mark…I thought the pronounced melody in the vocals there was an insightful addition into this entire song that seems to really only last a moment or two…I wanted more of that, but I also understand that’s why there’s a ‘repeat’ function on every kind of playlist.
I suspect it’s still a bit of an uphill battle to find the ‘place’ for “Free Your Mind” out there when it comes to what’s being played on the airwaves & video channels…but it’s not as far removed as you might think. The chorus of voices that fuel the main hooks of “Free Your Mind” are certain to get the melody stuck in your heart & mind…and quite honestly, it’s the kind of hook that DJ’s of all kinds out there are certain to seek out & remix into their own sets & material as well…if this crew is open to that kind of additional collaboration, I could see this being mixed through several perspectives to fit the vibe of whatever club they were playing the song in. I would imagine that based on the attitude and openness you’ll find in the lyricism driving the messages of “Free Your Mind,” that they’d be open to that…so you never know – this might just be one of those songs with multiple lives born out of its original conception. That welcoming sound & collaborative spirit runs deep on “Free Your Mind” – nothing you’ll hear is overly pushy or intrusive in any way…it’s all chill, easygoing and inviting…and that connection they’ve made between the music and the message is really what deserves the most praise here. It’s a complete vision and exceptionally well-executed by all the players involved, fantastic vocals, strong writing and perfectly produced – “Free Your Mind” presents a perspective that many people can connect to & certainly benefit from.
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