Cinja – “Still Love You”

Cinja – “Still Love You” – Single Review
Cinja! That’s a name that you just have to love. Surprisingly, this singer/songwriter with a name that could just as easily fit in the punk-rock category, makes music that is incredibly sweet. Coming to us all the way from Germany, Cinja has just released the heartfelt piano ballad “Still Love You.”
That’s right. I said HEARTFELT PIANO BALLAD. What – you think a bearded guy can’t get down on a love song every once in a while? C’mon now…I’m a lover not a fighter….
I can admit up front, this is a little outside of my genres of expertise and in 1000 ways it IS in my expertise overall, and yours as well. Follow me on this one…
“Still Love You” is that kind of quintessential simple love song you can’t not like. Whether it’s out at dinner with the one you love, or coming in as the background in that perfect movie-moment – this is a quaint and isolated track – and YES it really does sound heartfelt – quit making fun of me!
What I suppose I mean by that…is that I LOVE that isolated feel to this track. Like Cinja is just sitting there on a piano and staring out the window, missing someone she used to love. This is one of those songs that are kind of just made for winter; an in-front of the fire snuggled in your blanket kind of song – know what I mean?
The piano is pretty and well played…the lyrics are sweet and Cinja puts herself out there on every note. Singing convincingly with the emotion of a second language can certainly be a challenge – Cinja pulls this off well. There are some excellent starting blocks here that show promise for more beautiful music down the road.
Production-wise, Cinja’s passion and taking charge in every moment also result in some slight peaking issues with the vocals within the track – not nearly troublesome enough to discard the recording, but something that can be slightly noticed when you’re listening to a single song on repeat!
The important thing is that the sweetness of this track comes through sparklingly clear and it certainly does. Short, sweet and simply beautiful – check out CINJA and her brand new single “Still Love You.”
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