SBS But No BS All-Music Episode Part IIRead More
The second half of our re-cut interview with Laura Kelsey! Through video guest appearance – we’ll also see footage from our recent event here at the studio for the Everyday TV Music shoot from Trev Conkey, a brand new video from our local pop/rock/reggae boys Abandon Paris and a special dedicated video from Kristi Sayles […]Read More
Technically…it all began here in this episode…. filmed waaaaaaay back when I had no idea what we were doing whatsoever, but lucky enough to have an extremely patient & friendly first guest as I jumped back into doing interviews after nearly ten years without writing or asking a single question. I had the studio all […]Read More
Episode 000 on our new home here at Vimeo! Happy to leave the chains of YouTube behind, we’re ready to feature and showcase a ton of music and interviews by local independent bands and others we’ve managed to track down worldwide! Check out this excellent episode which will share some of the reason we came […]Read More