Interview With Santa Semeli And The Monks SBS: Thank you so much SSATM! Appreciate you stopping by our pages! For those that don’t know about you and your sound already, let’s get a bit of history…how did the two of you meet and how would you describe the sound of SSATM? SSATM: Hello! We are […]Read More
SBS Interviews go beyond the music and into the minds of the artists/bands that create it. From researching our interviewees, relentlessly mining for details and listening to everything we can, our interviews are designed to bring-out the best answers possible through thought-provoking questions that have real substance.
As many of you already know one of my absolute favorite sounds out there in our local scene, or any scene that deals with dark & dirty sounds, is that it’s coming from the blasting amplifiers of the explosive band Fey. We recently reviewed their album Bye Bipolar around its release online at the beginning […]Read More
I’d very much like you all to meet a new friend of mine, Stuart Styron. While I confess I’ve never ‘met him’ per say, at least not physically; getting to know him through this interview experience has been a complete and utter pleasure. He’s not only a very talented artist with a pure-insight into music […]Read More
I must say, dear readers…this was a very interesting interview to conduct. After researching and learning about Kenner…I came out of it all with my questions in hand, but also left with two stunning impressions of how this band operated. The first…after watching numerous videos in their catalog…was that this band has an extreme sense […]Read More
By now we can assume if you’ve been following our work here from sleepingbagstudios, that you’re well-familiar with the name West My Friend and the sounds of their beautiful indie-folk music. We’ve had the extreme pleasure of getting to know this incredibly talented band of four from Vancouver Island over these past two years and you […]Read More
Courage is actually a supremely rare trait to HEAR in music. Not only is the audible-quality that makes up that feeling hard to find – but to be able to discuss the tougher events with these incredible lyricists and storytellers can prove to be even more difficult even in the most comfortable situations. That’s not the […]Read More
Despite having sent out numerous written interviews in 2014 – it’s been a while since we’ve had one returned with answers back to us! Believe me, I can assure you from the callouses on the tips of my typing-fingers – these interviews still go out all the time…but we all know I ramble on so much […]Read More
This was a complete privilege. In an interview that discusses everything from music, to politics, to religion – I was completely inspired to talk to Rabbi Danielle Upbin about her new album Reveal The Light and anything else that came to my mind. No topic was off-limits and I was every bit as free as I […]Read More
I have always long maintained since starting this project with sleepingbagstudios back in 2012 that one of THE coolest aspects of what we doing is being able to talk with people from so far away & in different parts of the world entirely. Another one of THE coolest things about that though, is being able to […]Read More
We all experience times throughout our creativity and personal lives where we feel like we didn’t quite hit the mark. Sometimes, in the process and pursuit of the art we love we can let people down, even let ourselves down at times. But we bounce back, if only to a more realistic vision of ourselves and our […]Read More