Month: <span>February 2024</span>

Race Against Fate – “Ray Of Light”

Race Against Fate – “Ray Of Light” – Singles Review Lemme tell ya folks…when you end up writing reviews each and every day of your life, it actually becomes a significant challenge to not end up repeating yourself if you put in the time.  Such is art really – it happens – more often than […]Read More

Music With Michele – “Five Friends”

Music With Michele – “Five Friends” – Single Review I’m both getting lazy with filing away the stuff on my desktop and have listened to a whole lot of Music With Michele over the past little while.  I haven’t even put my previous two reviews in the archives where they belong, and good ol’ Microsoft […]Read More

la lune – “a little life”

la lune – “a little life” – Single Review Alrighty…we’re merely minutes away from the release of the new single called “a little life” by Vancouver’s la lune at this point…so where did I leave off in talking about’em last time…let’s see…let’s see… …oh right – I was heading down to The Pearl on January […]Read More