Month: <span>May 2023</span>

Moon And Aries – “Resolutions”

Moon And Aries – “Resolutions” – Single Review Hmmmmm…let’s see, let’s see…what do I think about the latest from Moon And Aries… It’s actually kind of hard to assess what I really think about this new single from Moon And Aries when it comes right down to it if I’m being objective…I feel like there […]Read More

Neil Fergus – “Other Sky” / “Lazy Moon”

Neil Fergus – “Other Sky” / “Lazy Moon” – Singles Review Ayyyy for sure – I can get behind this without a doubt. It’s interesting when you hear music that not only reminds you of something else, but also really sounds like it in terms of the production as well.  When I put on Neil […]Read More

Nathaniel Sutton – A Brighter Sound

Nathaniel Sutton – A Brighter Sound – EP Review Our Canadian friend here is about to embark on one of the most exciting chapters of his lifetime, and considering what he’s been through over the past few years, I’d say he’s earned it.  As if the pandemic itself wasn’t difficult to navigate, Nathaniel Sutton ended […]Read More

Rob Alexander – “Get Over Yourself” Feat. Gigi Worth

Rob Alexander – “Get Over Yourself” Feat. Gigi Worth – Single Review I tell ya…sometimes you see some artwork for a song or an album & you get a real sense of what the artist or band was driving at.  In this case, Rob Alexander is certainly giving you the quiet parts out loud in […]Read More

Nova Cascade – “Any Minute Now” / “The Noble Lion”

Nova Cascade – “Any Minute Now” / “The Noble Lion” – Singles Review Some of you out there might remember that nearly a year ago, we announced the making of a new album from Nova Cascade called The Navigator, right here on these very pages of ours.  As is the story with any new record […]Read More

Jillisa René – “I Know A Place”

Jillisa René – “I Know A Place” – Single Review It’d be hard to argue against a song with the kind of sentiment and sweetness that this new single from artist Jillisa René provides, and y’all know me…I don’t just start battles when they’re not justified.  Not only does she have herself a beautiful song […]Read More

Psykobilly – “Tomorrow’s Here Today”

Psykobilly – “Tomorrow’s Here Today” – Single Review Always great to hear from you Psykobilly! I will be the first to admit, “Tomorrow’s Here Today” sounds fantastic as far as the production is concerned.  As far as Psykobilly goes overall, I’d say that’s been an aspect of the band’s sound that has shown continual improvement […]Read More

The Punk Crone – Rage Against The Dying Of The

The Punk Crone – Rage Against The Dying Of The Light – Album Review If you don’t recognize the title of this record from the legendary poet Dylan Thomas, then study up y’all – you certainly should – the influence of his poem Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night & his writing continues […]Read More

Patrick & Leanne – “Poem In Three (Make Me Your

Patrick & Leanne – “Poem In Three (Make Me Your Love Song)” – Single Review It has been a minute or two since we had the music of Patrick Noel Russ on our pages…and from the looks & sounds of things, he’s been up to something new by joining forces with Leanne Phillips for this […]Read More

Augustwolf – Visual Music

Augustwolf – Visual Music – Album Review “It does not matter how others perceive or accept your art.”  I couldn’t agree more! So why am I here then?  #AskingForAFriend #ActuallyThatFriendIsMe That is…quite the set of notes that come along with this album…to say the least. Anyhow.  I’ll stay in my lane and simply make some […]Read More