WALL OF FAME: Best New Sound of 2018 – This Is Decibel

 WALL OF FAME: Best New Sound of 2018 – This Is Decibel

Scorching hot Rock band This Is Decibel scored huge in our 2018 competition for Best New Sound, not only securing a dominant victory with nearly 50% of the total vote, but doing so in our most successful competition to-date!  For real, by the ¼ mark, we beat 2016’s total…by the halfway point, we’d beaten both 2016 & 2017 COMBINED…and by the end, the legions of fans coming out, led by the fans of This Is Decibel, stormed on to generate more than twice the votes of our previous two years together.  Amazing!  And completely well-deserved – This Is Decibel put out a killer EP stuffed full of vibrant Alt-Rock called Take The Life that fully earned its place at the top of our charts and the honor of our Best New Sound of 2018.  Join us in celebrating their incredible WIN and give this crew a virtual high-five for a job extremely well done; This Is Decibel slayed 2018 and have given us all every reason to look forward to whatever they come up with next!

Find music from This Is Decibel here at Spotify:  https://open.spotify.com/artist/3SxXlvoQbDOIEgN5F1FXYD



"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

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