Audio And Video Posts


Get your latest audio or video posted up on the sleepingbagstudios site!



Please send us a YouTube link, or a link for us to embed your audio or video from, and we’ll post that up on our professional music site!  Well-known places like Soundcloud, Spotify, Bandcamp, Vimeo & others are usually the most common spots we embed from as well – other sites are possible too, just make sure we get a heads up on where to find it online if you have any questions about embedding from a different location, and we’ll confirm what we can do for ya.

Make sure to send a picture or still-shot for the posting as well please & thank you.

Please also ensure you’ve added any additional information required for the extras if applicable!

Cheers – looking forward to seeing & hearing you on our site!

What’s In It For You?

With this service, you’ll get your audio or video posted up right onto our main page, as well as a permanent URL address for you, which will remain up in our site archives for all to see at any time.  Each posting comes with an intro write-up, the length is determined by which package you select.  Make sure you’re selecting the right thing you’re looking for – these audio/video postings aren’t full-on critical reviews – if that’s what you’re looking for, you can find that service here.  The write-ups that come with this service are designed to be supportive & descriptive to help you build your profile on the internet further by being featured on a dedicated music-page like ours!
You can stockpile this whole deal with some pretty sweet extras to maximize the potential of where we can put your music out there, or make a bigger impact through more words, links, or photos.  Make sure to check out the extras and to add anything else that appeals to you, and we’ll be happy to assist with a professional page-post that’ll exceed your expectations.  We’ve helped thousands of people spread the word on their music & we’re looking forward to working with you next!
***Please note & know what you’re signing up for – this isn’t a gig designed to boost view-counts, clicks, or plays in any way, shape, or form – it’s completely designed as a promotional tool to assist you in strengthening/establishing your profile as an artist/band online.***
– Jer @ SBS

Check Out Some Examples!

Mario Marco Farinato – Video Post: 

Love Ghost – “Let It All Burn – Video Post:

Sensitive Robot – “This Lonely Place” – Video Post:

Any Questions?

Find out more on sleepingbagstudios by visiting our About section here:

Read our site’s FAQ by clicking here:

Contact Jer @ SBS directly by reaching out to:

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