Jacob Brand – “Beauty To Recognize” – Single Review So let’s see here…Jacob Brand from right here out of our own backyard in British Columbia… Ultimately, I think there is usually a couple things that are true of each and every song out there to a degree, and a contrast between what will appeal & […]Read More
Our in-depth album-reviews reflect the sincere passion in the way we listen to the music of the independent-scene. Representing genres of all-kinds and offering honest insight into what we hear in effort to do our part to assist artists/bands in the evolution of their sound – we do our best to highlight the positives and offer objective constructive-criticism with added personality and quality you can truly see. Your music deserves it!
Moon And Aries – Break The Matrix (Episode Three) – EP Review Ayyyy there we go – the stunning conclusion has arrived – Break The Matrix (Episode Three) has officially arrived. These two have been working hard at what they’ve been creating, and it’s awesome to see & hear them follow through on this visionary […]Read More
DID NOT! – DID NOT! – Album Review Love the way the synths come in and the drums ramp up the energy on “My Reverie” as this song gets this DID NOT! album going from the middle of summer last year…and the way Bill Owens bends his vocal melody as the chorus comes in around […]Read More
Mr Streetz – Flowtime – Album Review Yoooooooo! No joke folks, the title-track from Mr Streetz on this record called Flowtime is something ELSE yo! Y’all know I had a great time listening to his latest album called Wins & Bosses, but in taking a trip back to his previous release, I gotta say…”Flowtime” was […]Read More
AZMECA – Rise Above Gaia – EP Review Well hot damn…these dudes are clearly here to scorch the earth. Or at the very least, they play like it. AZMECA are pulling no punches from what you hear, to the concepts that drive their music. Unafraid to get LOUD and be that disruptive force in the […]Read More
Blunt Objects – Call It Sex – Album Review Call It Sex – because why not? You could certainly call an album many things, and as far as I can tell, sex would qualify just like anything else would, would it not? Like I always tell ya here on these pages of ours, we’ve all […]Read More
A/D Rocky – Ashton Davis – Album Review “Do not go easy but stay constructive…” Fuuuuuuck. Show me ONE person that wants to be told how to do the job they do every single day. Anyhow. “Life’s A Bitch,” as A/D Rocky would tell ya himself, so I suppose I gotta roll with it. Love […]Read More
Katie Underwood – “Feel So Good” – Single Review Ayyy…when it’s right, it’s right, you know what I mean? I am going to assume…given the name, given the promixity, given the sound of her voice…that Katie Underwood would be the same Katie Underwood that I learned about…hmm…nearly a decade ago now I suppose…back when I […]Read More
Etcher – Rhythm To The Spin – Album Review Interesting. According to the notes I’ve got here, with the exception of the last song on this record, the rest of this lineup was “created and recorded outdoors underneath a 3 sided metal carport on the side of a mountain top glade in the Missouri Ozarks […]Read More
Lenny Williams – “Baby I’m Sorry” – Single Review “I know you’re thinking, is it love or lust?” Well that’s good Lenny…at least we’re on the same page. I’ll tell ya this much for certain, when “Baby I’m Sorry” began and the music came flowin’ outta studio speakers so smoothly, I was pretty convinced right […]Read More