TSAX – “Amen” – Single Review Testify! I love saxophone. If there’s one thing I might love even more than saxophone, it’s saxophone paired with piano. So heck yeah, you had me at hello with this new single of yours TSAX, without a doubt. As for the rest of the stuff you’ll find in the […]Read More
Our in-depth album-reviews reflect the sincere passion in the way we listen to the music of the independent-scene. Representing genres of all-kinds and offering honest insight into what we hear in effort to do our part to assist artists/bands in the evolution of their sound – we do our best to highlight the positives and offer objective constructive-criticism with added personality and quality you can truly see. Your music deserves it!
Michael Raven – “Bends It Like A Guitar String” – Single Review Country…you’re such a weird genre these days. I guess that’s what we’re supposed to call this track? I dunno…I don’t really feel like just going with what I’m told by hype or by press releases…especially when my ears tell me something totally different. […]Read More
Southern Avenue – “Found A Friend In You” – Single Review To be honest, I don’t think these titans really need a stamp of approval from the likes of yours truly, though they’ll certainly get one. I actually ended up watching a live performance from Southern Avenue before I heard the recorded version of their […]Read More
Alwyn Morrison – “The City” – Single Review Ayyy! Why not pair a nice upbeat vibe with devastating lyrical misery? I ain’t saying that it’s not insightful – I’m sure Alwyn Morrison would know better than I would. I’m way over here in Canada listening to his impression of what it’s like to live in […]Read More
Manuel Bienvenu – oh do we – Album Review How can you not appreciate how gloriously smooth a beginning like oh do we has? When you hear the jazzy beat and stunning sound selection in the piano-based melody at the start of “combini” as Manuel Bienvenu starts to play for us, I couldn’t help but […]Read More
Firing At Statues – “Anxiety” – Single Review Alrighty…so…we’re still about a week or so removed from hearing Glasgow’s Firing At Statues for the first time, and I suppose it’s fair to assume that most of the things I had to say about’em would still apply given that a week ain’t really all that much […]Read More
mentalEscape – Numb – Album Review Oy! That’s exciting! Is there anything better than pushing play on a record and feel like you’re instantly being blown away by what you hear coming back through the speakers? Not in my world folks, I can tell ya that much with complete certainty. As the new album from […]Read More
Roxy Mayhem – “Fuck Donald Trump” – Single Review “You know I’m starting to think this song is a mistake…” I mean…time is gonna tell on that one I’d reckon. MAGAts are gonna MAGAt, because that’s what they do…and if you wanna be the one to rile’em up, then I’m sure you already know how […]Read More
Blystad – Blystad – Album Review Ooooo! You had me at hello, Blystad. How could I not feel that way, or anyone not feel that way for that matter? You put on this self-titled album and it begins with the spellbinding smoothness of “Solvending,” and you’re pretty much witnessing the audible definition of what enchantment […]Read More
DJ Big&Small – Singles Review What the heck…I figured why not go in chronological order as I’m checking out these latest singles from DJ Big&Small…that’d be the way that everyone else out there technically got to listen to them, ain’t it? Which puts the beginning of our tale here somewhere back in April of 2024, […]Read More