Jason Knapp – In January – Album Review There were two things that hit me when I was completing my first listen through Jason Knapp’s new album In January; the first was an instantly feeling of ‘man – this guys has listened to a lot of Todd Rundgren throughout his life,’ and the second was […]Read More
Our in-depth album-reviews reflect the sincere passion in the way we listen to the music of the independent-scene. Representing genres of all-kinds and offering honest insight into what we hear in effort to do our part to assist artists/bands in the evolution of their sound – we do our best to highlight the positives and offer objective constructive-criticism with added personality and quality you can truly see. Your music deserves it!
Andy Sizemore – Soundcloud Page Review Cool! It’s not too often you get to review a music collective as opposed to the scores of albums, EPs and single reviews this particular indie-journalist goes through. After talking briefly with the creator behind these new sounds – I got a real sense that Andy is looking towards that next […]Read More
Race Against Fate – Singles Review Henry Rollins once described an over-emotional state he was going through as his “White Squall Moment,” which came to him from watching the film White Squall and bursting unexpectedly into tears. Whether he was over-tired, hungry, emotional…whatever it was came spilling out during the minutes of this movie, seemingly out […]Read More
Gary Carey – What’s Not To Like? – Album Review Some of my readers out there are certainly expecting this… After spending days in the dark with our new good friend Chris Romans of The Last Surrealist, many of you out there probably put your money on the fact that I’d switch it up quickly […]Read More
The Last Surrealist – Post Life Music – Album Review Right on. In a rare journalistic opportunity, I get to take the recent interview we did with recently with Chris Romans of The Last Surrealist and take it a little further by dissecting his latest album, Post Life Music, here in review today. If you’ve read […]Read More
Red Monday – Red Monday – Album Review Sometimes I look around rather viciously at articles written by my peers. When we review independent music, often those albums you see on our pages pop up in other corners of the internet…and quite often I find myself cursing out the writers writing them. As a community, and a […]Read More
Charming Timur – A Brief Moment Of Existence – Album Review Ummm…ok…watch your volumes on this one…starting Charming Timur’s new album A Brief Moment Of Existence off as loudly as you were playing that last jam you heard from whatever band might just spike your heart rate through the roof – or make you wish […]Read More
Testify-Music – Pray Until Something Happens – Album Review Interesting! Every so often through music reviews and interviews, I find myself in the midst of a religious conversation or, in this case, listening to a full album based in faith and religious-context…which is always interesting for a person like myself, who identifies with no singular ideology […]Read More
Aztec – Stitches – EP Review Days away from release to the public – the long-awaited debut from Canadian pop-rock band Aztec drops officially on the 11th of July. This band has had an electric-buzz of excitement surrounding this upcoming release ever since this super-group of indie musicians came together to make their music as one; […]Read More
Queen City Heist – Rock & Soul Music – EP Review Hey! Would you look at that – Queen City Heist have found their way back to our corner of the internet! With the release of three singles also available as a new EP called Rock & Soul music – I can definitely attest to the title […]Read More