0210 – Nixie Album IV

Awesome to see that this crew has been back out there in the music-scene lately! Nixie – Vancouver NEEDS you out there onstage! Absolutely one of our favorite interview sessions still to this day…we had an awesome time talking with the ladies of Nixie; they’re all killer musicians and completely rad people. Enjoy a final round of stills & b-roll shots from our time spent back in 2013 when they came out to rock our studio – we still can’t get enough Nixie to this very day & we know you feel the exact same way – we see what you’re clickin’ on our there and track your every move from breakfast to dinner each day. For real though – Nixie ended up on one of our most popular episodes of SBS Live This Week for plenty of good reasons – they kick not just some of the ass, but ALL of it, every time.