0161 – Pathless Land

In the middle of 2015, we met Mattowarrior via video-interview to talk about his project Pathless Land and all kinds of info on metal & progressive music. The whole video-interview thing has long been one of my favorite projects to take on…I dig allowing people the creativity and freedom to answer questions within their own natural habitat or wherever it is they choose to film their responses. Even when it’s the ‘meat & potatoes’ like we’ve got from Mattowarrior here…just the ol’ basic webcam set-up, I still think the choices made always reveal something about the artist/band involved; and case in point, Pathless Land’s Mattowarrior was definitely a no bullshit kinda guy. So he kept it straight-up when it came to filming, but he also dropped a ton of knowledge-bombs on us as well throughout the interview and had a ton of rad stuff to say to us all. Check out some still shots from our time with Mattowarrior of Pathless Land!