0156 – Aeterna (Demo Sessions 2014)

So much has changed, so very quickly…while others stay the same!
These exclusive snaps came from a trip over to Aeterna lead-guitarist Bran Wengranowski’s lair in 2014…he’d just recently set up an all-new room to record in with everything the band could possibly need. Got a chance to sit-in on watching their newest member Warrick lay down some drum parts…dude is a BEAST, lemme tell ya. Last we’d checked in, they were deep into the guitars & drums and forming base-tracks for the band to add onto…and I’m going to have to check-in on this crew again soon, because I’m starting to wonder if that’s as far as its all gone. Lots has changed in the background for Aeterna, members moving, members getting married…all that LIFE stuff that tends to halt the music for awhile…but I’m confident it won’t be too long before this crew brings back their Brutal Metal Music for another run – let’s hope this is their year for a huge comeback!