0066 – Aeterna (Live @ The Red Room 2014)

Here’s a look at some of our favourite memories from our history…the SBS Photo Journal! Gathered from our show SBS Live This Week, live events around local Vancouver, BC & beyond, and from all our random experiences here at the place we love more than anything, sleepingbagstudios. If memory serves me correctly…this was our first show out in Vancouver of 2014, watching good-friend to SBS – Brad Wengranowski & his band Aeterna for a wicked show at The Red Room. Always loved that venue and never get to go there enough (Cause from what I’ve heard it costs bands a fortune to play!) and the mayhem-minstrels of this Brutal Power Metal band didn’t disappoint for a second and played a punishing set of their extreme-tunes for a decent turnout considering it was way early in the year…and cold outside…and you know how people do…they hide indoors where it’s warm – but the smarter people out there hang out where it’s warm AND there’s music…just sayin…