0030 – Nixie

Here’s a look at some of our favourite memories from our history…the SBS Photo Journal! Gathered from our show SBS Live This Week, live events around local Vancouver, BC & beyond, and from all our random experiences here at the place we love more than anything, sleepingbagstudios. I adore this band and I’m pretty sure it showed in the interview with them. As far as I can tell, the elusive Nixie is not yet dead, not yet finished…but it does seem as though there have been other musical projects that have come out from the band members more recently than any new Nixie music. To which I say – what is UP with that? I don’t know of a more talked about band during the first two years of our show than Nixie was…here’s to hoping there’s still something left in the tank and new music to come – I love their sound big time.