Thank U Ottawa.

For anyone out there that follows these pages of ours, it’s that annual time of the year where I feel the need to express my thanks – so truly y’all, thank you for your support over these past ten years.  Specifically, these past six have been incredible – SBS started out as a project where […]Read More

Saul Goodman!

This year has turned out to be one full of highlight achievements for independent music and certainly for us all here at sleepingbagstudios…which as many of you out there know has been only myself and my most excellent web-designer for some time now. And that has finally changed, along with a great many things and […]Read More

What A Start To The Year!

2015 has come out STRONG people! After claiming top spot for our BEST NEW SOUND of 2014, we announced our winner as chosen by the music-fans out there worldwide connecting with us and the music, the indie-folk band West My Friend got this year started on the right note, our undisputed contest winners. Things continued […]Read More

The Top 10 Nominees For 2014’s Best Sound…and WHY!

Our First Readers Poll! First of all…you all know it’s impossible for me to truly choose between the extraordinary talents we’ve stumbled onto through SBS.  I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again for years and years to come I’m sure – but it’s just staggering how much talent, creativity and skill are out there […]Read More

SBS 2014 Readers Poll

Compiled from a vast list of impressive talent we’ve witnessed through our reviews this past year between Dec. 15th 2013 and Dec. 15th 2014. Of all the albums and sounds that came our way this year, each of these amazing bands stood out solidly apart from the rest with killer new material we still spin […]Read More

The New SBS Homepage Sets Records!

What can I say everyone?  THANK YOU. Watching these numbers skyrocket stemming from our new design combined with our outstanding content and YOUR amazing music and talents…it’s an incredibly beautiful thing to see.  There have been so many incredible highlights upon this journey…but to see this, it’s purely quantifiable, genuine and completely awesome.  You certainly […]Read More

The Exclusive Elusive And Unwanted Grammy

This might just be me…but that Grammy nomination list is looking more sad and depleted than ever. After looking over the nominees…it’s pretty damn bleak. Like, take ‘song of the year’ for instance…the only thing I noticed specifically was that the entire list indeed lacks a ‘song of the year’ completely, which I thought was […]Read More

EDMTV Event @ SBS 2014

SO MANY THINGS! Like tons of you out there – I feel that weight and pressure to make it all happen. The physical aspect of the music studio was certainly one I had been expecting to see pick up a lot more over these past two years, but also to be considered in this equation […]Read More

Announcing The Cellophane Heart

OOPS I DID IT AGAIN Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah. So I suck at properly announcing the official SBS Live This Week showtimes…I had promised March 26th, but as usual, things change quickly here all the time… In preparation for the upcoming event here on April 19th, which will bring Rod Matheson from Everyday Music TV to sleepingbagstudios for […]Read More

Early Update In 2014

AWESOME TO BE LIVING IN THIS DAY & AGE… I’ve always considered myself a world citizen. I believe in a world without borders one day. I also believe in many ways, that this “world” I believe in already exists online… Because aside from a few countries with internet restrictions, that ability for us all to […]Read More