EZLA – “Outcasts”

 EZLA – “Outcasts”

EZLA – “Outcasts” – Single Review

Definitely something special happening here in the music of EZLA.  I’ve been a longstanding critic of what I call the ‘Nashville’ effect on songwriting and how it can turn uniqueness into the generic…but I’m thankful that while it might have put EZLA in touch with some key contacts that will come in handy for her future success, when it came to retaining what makes her special, she’s kept that all intact.

This new single “Outcasts” is vibrant, punchy, melodic…EZLA’s got energy, grace & beauty in her voice flowing perfectly with the atmospheric & transformative structure in the music.  A smart electro-driven cut that moves at a chill-pace and has plenty of elements that have great texture and also combines the sounds of real organic instruments…there’s lots I love about this tune from the production to the performance.  I think EZLA approaches this tune insightfully well and with a seriously professional touch – she sounds like a veteran of the music-scene already…and according to my notes here, she’s just getting started!  “Outcasts” is the title-track from her upcoming debut EP – and if this is any indication, she’s about to hit the ground running at a full sprint to the top of people’s playlists.

Because…well…because this is what the people WANT, isn’t it?  I’m not saying everyone, because of course that’s true of all music…but in terms of what’s out there and what’s happening right now – is this not something that truly holds up?  On “Outcasts,” she’s like the female-driven answer to fun. or Imagine Dragons…toss in a bit of Ellie Goulding, Lana Dey Rey and Oh Land into the mix and I think you’ve got something close to what EZLA’s sounding like – but regardless of what it might be that you settle on, she’s also put a genuine amount of her own authentic personality and style into this one that makes this all her own.  I completely think that if EZLA is going to put out music at this high-level, she should certainly be expecting to soon be competing & performing with the high-level entertainers in the mainstream.  I feel like she’s strongly identifiable through the tone of her vocals and approach to singing; I love the combination of different ways she sings each part and finds the perfect match to the energy in the music, bar for bar from verse to chorus.  Smart choices like the distortion on her vocals just past the two-minute mark show just how bulletproof her sound really IS…she’s just as fantastic under these layers of effects designed to dirty-up the sound and puts in a verifiably commendable performance from start to finish on “Outcasts.”

So…hmm…I mean…I know it’s a debut & all…and I’ve usually got a pointer or two to send out someone’s way in these scenarios but there’s really not much advice I feel like I could give EZLA that she wouldn’t already know or have acted upon already to end up with stunning results like this.  There’s nothing I’d change about “Outcasts,” from the writing to the performance, production or otherwise…she’s got a great song here that’s electrifying, entertaining and engaging…and a real shot at snagging the people’s attention with a single-worthy tune.  Most importantly…I don’t see anything that jeopardizes her ability to put herself into the music she makes…we can hear the connection she has to “Outcasts” by the way she moves, flows through & sings the song; she’s kept her individuality intact and been able to keep the Nashville-plastique from sinking her into the sea of sameness.

And perhaps that’s what I like best about EZLA.  Don’t get me wrong, she’s written a solid tune with “Outcasts” and given me every audible reason to believe she’ll go the distance as an artist out there with her debut EP & receive the attention her music & effort deserve…but to make the move to Nashville and still come out of that experience with your own artistic vision untainted, speaks volumes on behalf of what is assuredly a strong, vibrant personality in EZLA.  & she’s based out of California now, safe & sound, for the record.  Definitely potential here for wild amounts of success – and there’s no reason I can hear on “Outcasts” that should stop that from happening for her at this very moment, right in the here & now.  She’s got potential for more, yes…I’ve got no doubt about it, every debut out there nearly does…but the fact is, she’s already great.

Find out more from her official page at Facebook here:  https://www.facebook.com/ezlaofficial

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