Bobby Bofman – Selected Singles

 Bobby Bofman – Selected Singles

Bobby Bofman – Singles Review

I gotta say…checking out these singles from singer/songwriter Bobby Bofman for the very first time, I sat here in absolute silence, barely moving a muscle, completely captivated by the sound of the song I checked out first, called “Daniel.”  Inside of the first ten seconds, I already had chills…just something special you can hear in the insightful movement & flow of the melody in the opening piano notes of “Daniel” that tell a guy like myself that listens to music all day long, that we’re in for the real deal here.  As Bobby begins to sing along with the piano, the impact is immediate once again – you can hear the storyteller in this songwriter through the bold imagery in his words, and you can hear the genuine artist this man truly is through the confident & controlled way he sings this gentle tune with such technique.  “Daniel” is one of those extraordinary tunes that you can’t help but admire for how exquisitely beautiful it sounds and yet still have to acknowledge the incredible amount of sadness & melancholy you experience in this emotional journey of a song.  It’s a heartbreaker for sure…the tale of an old friend, sharing time together, stories that are explained in incredible detail in what was certainly a highlight in the set of three.  As the tale of “Daniel” twists through the tough emotions in the lyricism, it reveals the ultimate moral of its story, as Bobby sings “Even though Daniel was a homeless old drunk, his heart was always filled with love.”  Make no mistake – this is a heavy tune when it comes to its content and how real Bobby makes this moment become…there’s a great chance a few of you out there will likely want to keep your Kleenex box handy when listening to this tune and the conclusion that this song comes to.  Like those greatest of the great songwriters out there, Bobby proves he can hang with the best when it comes to the sheer amount of contrast in this tune, pulling you in through the stunning piano tones in the atmosphere and laying out a story that has joy, sadness, pain, & redemption…it’s a fantastic tune.

“Time” keeps the piano/vocal combination of Bobby Bofman on stunning display…I’m honestly seriously impressed with this guy.  I’ve always got “Time” for piano-anything really…but I can also be real about the fact that I don’t always spend too much “Time” in the classic-songwriter genres – this dude makes me want to listen to the entire catalogs of Harry Chapin, Van Morrison, Tom Petty, Don McLean, Elton John…those kind of artists, that quality, that caliber…you get the idea; no matter who you’re comparing Bobby to, did you notice that it was probably one of the greatest songwriters out there?  He really understands how to perform and my ears highly appreciate that dramatic touch he applies to his singing.  For example, on a song like “Time,” you can hear just how much he FEELS the music flowing through him and how solidly he’s connected to the core meanings behind this inspirational tune he’s written; when the music quiets, he knows to go with it, and when “Time” reaches its biggest moments, Bobby rises to the occasion completely.  I know that on a personal level, he’s completely reaching me on this song, because I agree with every part of the sentiment & intentions that drive the message in “Time.”  Written to remind us of the fragility of life, that we need to use our “Time” as best we can, the piano sounds gorgeous and sparkling once again as the verse begins in a self-reflective tone with Bobby examining where all the “Time” has gone and what he’s personally done with it.  The chorus has beautiful hooks in the melody and you can hear that emphasis put into the energy of its uplifting message, right where it belongs in effort to make the impact that the words deserve.  Bobby’s done another exceptional job on this second single from his upcoming record…LISTEN to the amazing emotion this guy sings with on “Time” and again, how REAL it becomes.  I love this kind of powerful internal examination that can lead to a unique ability to pass on the knowledge to others in a way that we can relate, understand, and readily accept as the genuine truth.  You can hear the words of “Time” are real to Bobby – and in turn, the moment & messages becomes real to us.

There might be the occasional spot that you’ll feel him reaching for a rhyming word to complete the sound of a set of lines every once in a while in Bobby’s writing – but when you consider the fact that it all fits so incredibly well with the gorgeous piano playing, it’s a trade I have no problem with him making.  Aside from that anyhow, I think that ultimately, Bobby’s a great songwriter yes, but he’s not trying to be anything OTHER than the authentic Bobby he IS, you follow me?  The guy can put amazing emotion and lyricism together without a doubt – a lot of the time, the route is straightforward honesty that gets right to the point to express how he feels, just like on “Every Day In Every Way.”  He’s not looking to flower-up the writing with the fanciest of words all the time…I suppose that’s what I’m saying; but where that real magic lies, is in his ability to get across exactly what he wants to on a more direct level that always feels organic.  “Every Day In Every Way” allows him to shed a bit of the layers of melancholy that we find in the first two singles even further as he ventures into a full-on love-song that stays cohesive in its sweetness from beginning to end on his third.  I honestly have such a respect for this style of songwriting…Bobby has sincerely captivated me with his piano playing at every moment and I think the way he sings is absolutely spot-on in tone, energy, and emotion.  Because a great songwriter doesn’t just sing a great tune – they truly connect to it in ways that have words transcending into what feels like a genuine experience you can relate to or even feel like you’ve lived yourself, just by listening.  Bobby pulls all that off & more…like I said at the beginning, he’s the real deal, the genuine article, the songwriter’s songwriter…and no matter which emotional gear he’s chosen to write in, whether it’s happy, sad, or whatever’s in between – he’s an absolute pleasure to listen to on every level.

Find out more about Bobby Bofman at the official pages below!




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